• Photo of a Stop Black Deaths in Custody protest in Naarm.

    Snap action for Poccum's Law

    Bail Saves Lives! Join the protest at Parliament steps, 4.30pm Tuesday 18 March.

Item 1 of 4
  • 333 women incarcerated in Victoria right now*

    186 are sentenced
    147 are not sentenced

    (January 2025 Corrections Victoria)

    * These numbers are not inclusive of trans women and gender-diverse people who are often incarcerated in men’s prisons.

Every woman, trans and gender diverse person deserves to live a life free from trauma, injustice and violence

Flat Out is a state-wide advocacy and support service for women, trans and gender diverse people (and their children) who have been criminalised. We are an independent, not for profit, community-based organisation that aims to prevent women and trans and gender-diverse people from entering and returning to prison. We provide outreach support to the Victorian women’s prisons and work with criminalised women, trans and gender diverse people — many who have experienced incarceration, homelessness, family violence, mental health issues, and alcohol and other drug use.

Flat Out leads and participates in research and education to the broader community about women’s rights to live free from trauma, injustice and violence, and the issues that occur for women and trans and gender diverse people in the criminal legal system.

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"Released to freedom"
My file will say when I leave here
I will carry a black garbage bag
Containing all that remains of my old life

Everything that I own to begin my new life
Nothing will fit me anymore
Not my old clothes
Nor my old life
Where will I start?

I will have a name and a number in my hand
It will be my salvation
I will pick up the phone and call
Flat Out

— Aunty Vicki Roach